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#1 2008-12-01 19:10:53

Lieu : Vannes/Bretagne
Inscription : 2008-11-30
Site Web

Changing owner to an entry

I would like to start an entry under the administration name, and then change the owner.

The goal is that a teacher may start a blog entry (template) for a given children and then transfer the ownership. Currently either we give children the permission to change every entry of the complete blog (very dangerous :) )  or teacher as to login/logout for each entry to build the entry directly enter children usename.

Question: can the admin change the owner ship of en existing blog entry, if yes, how ?

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#2 2008-12-01 19:21:53

Responsable de la machine à Twix
Lieu : Lyon
Inscription : 2006-03-05
Site Web

Re : Changing owner to an entry


yes, it's possible through the posts list. Select the posts then scroll down and select the action "change author".

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#3 2008-12-02 11:03:51

Lieu : Vannes/Bretagne
Inscription : 2008-11-30
Site Web

Re : Changing owner to an entry

Got it, now it works :) You MUST do it before entering in blog-post edit mode at entry list level.

In the same TIP category: is there a way to publish a note under a nickname without creating a user. In primary school environment and for simplicity reason, most blogs only two users (typically: class-teacher+class-children) nevertheless children like to use nickname (ex: yellow-team, ....)

Question: is it possible to change the display author name for a note, without creating a user (like under Jooma where they have this special "Pseudo" field, that change author display name without changing the author) ?

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#4 2008-12-03 15:59:57

Lieu : effisk
Inscription : 2005-02-16
Site Web

Re : Changing owner to an entry

I'm not sure I'm getting your question.
Do you want a single user to be able to post under different nicknames? If so, I believe the MyMeta plugin should answer that need:
I haven't tested it. You'll probably have to tweak your template for this.
Another solution would be the tag function (only if you don't already use it): display the tage name (wich would be the nickname here) instead of the regular name when available. Not sure it helps, just throwing around a couple of ideas...

About your previous question, the defaultPost plugin might come in handy too:

je comprends vite, mais faut m'expliquer longtemps. [supporter du F.I.L.L.E]

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