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13 février 2024 Sortie de Dotclear 2.29

#1 2015-11-09 07:54:56

Inscription : 2013-11-20

Can not install 2.8.2

Hi Iam trying to install 2.8.2 in a MAC OS X locally with MAMP Apache PHP 5.5.26 and OPcache in Chrome.
Unfortunately I cannot! In the final step of installation an error message appearing "No data received".
When Iam refreshing the chrome after the previous message a new one from dotclear appearing "Installation can not be completed"
and below this message "Errors:" "Dotclear is already installed"...
Any suggestion please?

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#2 2015-11-19 22:13:47

Inscription : 2015-11-19

Re : Can not install 2.8.2

This sounds like My issue, First the reason you are getting this error is because during the install the prepend.php is created in  dotclear\admin\install .

You will see this indicated in your Apache error.log file, you can even pull up phpmyadmin and see that the tables are created and have some data in the tables.   
So basically dotclear is installed .
Did you try to login at http://<Your Server Name>/dotclear/admin/auth.php

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#3 2015-11-22 18:05:20

Lieu : Paris/Tana/Kyoto/Etc
Inscription : 2015-03-05
Site Web

Re : Can not install 2.8.2

Hi, May i ask you wich Operating system version you have?
This is not directly related to your concern, but i'm also on a Mac (precisely i've got 4 Mac in my House), and i guess one day your post and your question will concern me (so, i apologies, because i also wrote here in case i won't be able to find your topic anymore when i'll try to install locally dotclear).

Dernière modification par Zebu (2015-11-22 18:06:05)

Newbie DotClear (Oct. 2014) ----> Fan en devenir de l'outil made-in-French (En "reconstruction ... C'est un peu la Bamboula, veuillez m'excuser ...)
PS: Précision de mon environnement : Mac OS 10.9.5 et 10.6.8 (Je l'aurais fait sur un PPC si j'avais pu ... peut être un jour).
Migration peut être depuis FreeBsd.

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#4 2015-11-22 18:08:48

Inscription : 2005-04-13
Site Web

Re : Can not install 2.8.2

Et lire la doc, ça serait pas plus simple ? … l#mac-os-x

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